This year saw the return of dolphitech for its 2nd year, on the UK Pavilion hosted by Composites UK. The annual event, located in Paris-Nord VillePinte from the 4th -6th March 2025. JEC World see’s 1350 exhibitors come together to network and build relationships throughout the composite supply chain.
It was an honour for dolphitech to join the very prestigious UK Pavilion and use that as a platform to meet and greet many new and existing customers.

At any event dolphitech attends you can always find a range of personnel and skill sets. We strive to make sure that visits are informative, and time is well spent. JEC World 2025 proved to be no exception. Our team “Travelled the globe” meeting new and existing customers during the three day event. Walking a combined distance of 65 KM.
“JEC is a fantastic opportunity to meet a diverse range of clients from all over the world in a single location” – Matt Day – Global Marketing and UK Sales Manager
dolphitech team
For JEC 2025 dolphitech dispatched its UK team to the event. Our team has a plethora of knowledge that spans from historic applications that dolphitech had successfully managed globally, to new applications and advice from a qualified NDT UT Level 3. dolphitech also had the pleasure of being joined by our Swiss partner Max C.Meister for a day at the event, who was a fantastic help to the team.
dolphitech always strive to bring equipment that is applicable to the theme of the event. the dolphicam2. Is in its element at the JEC events. designed for composite inspection, appealing to people from all skill sets and back grounds and applicable to all common and specialist composite based applications, the dolphicam2 did not fail to wow the crowds.
If you would like to speak with us about any of the events, get in touch and we would be happy to discuss it with you.
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